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This is why our youth need to see what’s possible

In honor of my mom, Geneva Maria Lawal, I humbly accepted the Stark County NAACP inaugural Image Award earlier this month. It is absolutely an honor to be among some of the Firsts in my community: Attorney Adrian Allison - first black Superintendent of Canton City Schools, The Honorable Chris Smith - first woman Majority Leader for Canton City Council, and newly elected, Kyle L. Stone - the first Black Stark County Prosecuting Attorney.

Left to right: Kyle L. Stone, Chris Smith, Myself, and Adrian Allison accept NAACP Image Awards at the first annual NAACP Image Award event.

Representation matters! Our youth need to see what is possible. We are FIRSTS! You may be a first. But, let us all work together to make sure we are not the last!

Be a coach. Be a mentor. Be a sponsor. Be an advocate. 

Help our youth to excel! I think you'll find it completely worthwhile to see someone's outlook change right before your very eyes. And, I think YOU WILL also be changed by the help you offer to someone else.

I will forever be touched by the people who were deliberate to spend time with me. And as an advocate, I'm transformed by the people that I can help. 

Scientists refer to this as a "helper's high", because giving feels good - endorphins are released when we know that we've encouraged someone else's situation.

So consider making a difference in your community, because - believe me - you have a wonderful gift to share. Don't ever underestimate what your gift can do for others. Make a move today to help a young person who needs it.

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