Gas Light: More Than a Movie

Gaslighting is an extreme form of manipulation. Gaslighting causes its victims to perish in flames of lies, conniving deception and willful blindness to the truth—- and of course, with gaslighter’s defense of not intending to cause harm, there is a reckless disregard for the truth.

So, what to you do if you have a relationship with a gaslighter?~

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When your child calls the police

In my case, my son called the police because he had been grounded from all electronics because for two weeks, he had been telling school officials that I beat him, that our home was a prison, and that he was scared to go home.  That was a difficult stretch for my son and I. Our relationship healed through these three strategies…

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Corey Minor Smith
History with a Twist

While many who know about me believe that I have accomplished great things despite adversity; few are privy to the depth of the traumatic and emotional adversity I faced as the daughter of a woman with severe mental illnesses. 

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Corey Minor Smith